WPI VEX Scholarships

WPI offers scholarships for VEX V5 Robotics Competition (V5RC) alumni in partnership with the Robotics Education & Competition Foundation (RECF). RECF brings together student scientists and engineers and prepares them to be future innovators.  

Each year, WPI awards a grand prize scholarship of $80,000 ($20,000 per year, for four years) and two runner-up scholarships of $40,000 ($10,000 per year, for four years). 

Location: Bartlett Center
Phone: 508-831-5469
Fax: 508-831-5039
Application Process
  • All scholarship applicants must first submit a complete admissions application to WPI no later than February 1st (Regular Decision deadline). Details on how to apply to WPI can be found here.  


  • The VEX Scholarship application will open on December 1, 2024, and will close on March 3, 2024.  


  • Scholarship submissions can be made here (application link will be available after December 1st). The submission will consist of an application form, a signed nomination form to be completed by the adult team leader (mentor, coach, teacher, etc), and a video presentation.  


  • The video submission should focus on your contribution to your team’s robot design, as well as touch on one of the following three topics: how your team builds spirit, how your team demonstrates sportsmanship, or the importance of teamwork in robot development. The most competitive applications make use of imagery (photos, videos, slides) and narration or spoken responses to the prompt. Videos must be 5 minutes or less in length.  
VEX Scholarship Eligibility

Each base team number participating in one of the challenges may nominate one of its student members (i.e. Teams 190A and 190B may only nominate one student to represent both 190 teams). The nominee must be in their final year of high school and be an active member of their VEX team in the 2024-2025 season. Nominees must have submitted an admissions application to WPI and should demonstrate enthusiasm for engineering, science, and innovation. 

Please note, if multiple submissions are received from a single team, they will not be considered. Please work with your team and your mentor to determine your team’s nominee.