Experts on Robotics

Robotics, the interdisciplinary field at the intersection of engineering, computer science, and artificial intelligence, focuses on the design, creation, and operation of robots—autonomous or semi-autonomous machines capable of performing tasks in the physical world.
WPI experts on robotics are at the forefront of developing intelligent machines to perform intricate tasks to advance manufacturing processes, revolutionize healthcare interventions, improve everyday life, or venture into uncharted territories for exploration. WPI's robotics initiatives are marked by a commitment to excellence in areas including swarm robotics and the understanding of human-robot interaction.

Scott D Barton
  • Associate Professor
Professor Barton composes and performs electro acoustic music, designs and builds robots, and conducts psychological research. ... View Profile
Berk Calli
  • Associate Professor
Professor Calli's main research focus is robotic manipulation and its applications in various domains such as waste recycling, assistive feeding, within-hand manipulation. ... View Profile
Gregory S. Fischer
  • Professor
Professor Fischer develops surgical robotics, including MRI-compatible robotic devices for enhancing cancer diagnosis, add intelligent automation to telesurgery, and develop assistive robotics, including socially assistive robots and wearable physically ... View Profile
Cagdas Onal
  • Associate Professor
Professor Onal conducts research in soft robotics, a largely underexplored area of robotics that has significance in medicine, manufacturing, and disaster response. ... View Profile
Jing Xiao
  • Professor & Department Head
Professor Xiao's research spans robotics, haptics, multi-modal perception, at the intersection of computer science and engineering. ... View Profile