The Educational Development Council, Morgan Teaching and Learning Center, and the Academic Technology Center are pleased to announce a total of $75,000 in Teaching Innovation Grants awarded to nine projects that will advance distinctive undergraduate and graduate education at WPI: 

  • Five faculty from the sciences, business, engineering, and global studies will pursue projects within a Faculty Learning Community on Visual Communication, investigating and advancing use of student-generated infographics and visual storytelling in courses, transforming deliverables in engineering design projects and IQPs, and creating low-barrier ways to share visual communication teaching and learning resources across campus.
  • Sixteen awardees pursuing Independent Projects will integrate STEM and social justice issues in 13 courses across multiple departments; pilot an authentic innovation and entrepreneurship experience in a music technology course; engage students in digital storytelling to reflect on intercultural differences and communicating across cultures; and create online learning modules to enhance cross-cultural understanding, deployable in multiple courses and project programs.

For more details please browse the complete list of grant recipients and project descriptions. Congratulations to all of the award winners!

These grants are made possible by pooling funds from the Morgan Teaching and Learning Center, IT Division, and the Educational Development Council. Many thanks to the selection committee comprised of the Educational Development Council and representatives of the Academic Technology Center: Joe Beck (CS), Harrison Burack ('20), Chrys Demetry (Morgan Center), Nikhil Karanjgaokar (AE/ME), Baloo Panchapakesan (ME), Kate Beverage (ATC), and Mary Beth Harrity (ATC).