
The Global School
Cartoon of people and a bus

Worcester Mobility Action Plan

The City of Worcester Vision Zero Safety Action Plan is now out for public review. Dean Mimi Sheller served on the Vision Zero Community Working Group that contributed to the plan. The draft and appendices can be found on the city website at Vision Zero | City of Worcester, MA.  You will also find a link to a comment form in the same location.  The City is seeking public comment and will host an in person public meeting on February 3rd at the Senior Center at 6 p.m. and a virtual meeting on February 6th. 

Vision Zero is the concept that all deaths and serious injuries on our roadways are preventable. We encourage everyone to read and comment on the draft Vision Zero plan for the City of Worcester. It's long but well-organized with excellent graphics and plain language. It's exciting and welcome to see the City take this big step toward making our roadways safer.

Dean Sheller also served on the Worcester Mobility Action Plan Working Group, which recently released its plans for improving mobility, safe streets, and accessibility in Worcester, MA.  The City encourages you to also review the Mobility Action Plan, available here at the webpage of the Department of Transportation and Mobility. 

The MAP is Worcester's first ever long-range transportation plan. The plan was presented to City Council on January 21 and was referred to both the Traffic and Parking Committee and Public Works Committee for public hearings. 
