Dinner Dialogue: One Race, Diverse Experiences: Acknowledging Black Student Community, Tensions, and Multiple Identities through Dialogue
Dean of StudentsAs a student leader in a club, a peer mentor, and a fellow student, sometimes it can be hard to serve the diverse needs of all Black American, Black immigrant, and Black international students. Come talk about your experiences with Professor Chrystal George Mwangi, Associate Professor of Education at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst and learn more about what she learned in a study looking at how Black American, Black immigrant, and Black international students experience higher education in both similar and distinct ways. You'll leave with a greater understanding of the complexities of race, racial identity, and intra-racial group dynamics on college campuses.
Sponsored by the Supporting WPI through Effective and Equitable Teamwork (SWEET) Grant Team, supported by the Davis Foundation.
April 2, 2020
Hagglund Room, Rubin Campus Center
6:00 - 7:00 pm
Dinner will be provided.
REGISTRATION REQUIRED: https://wpi.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cZuRgyH14oJ5Bxr