
The Business School

During the annual President's IQP competition, FBS students Olivia Gibbs '20 (IE, MGMT) and Sarat Buasai '20 (IE, CM) are finalists in the 2019 President's IQP Awards, two of the five teams shortlisted as finalists out of approximately 40 entries. Olivia Gibbs's team's entry is titled "Upper Primary Science Curriculum Development for Physically Active Youth", while Sarat Buasai's team's entry is titled "The Development of an Interactive Data Portal for Rural Electrification in Namibia". In addition, FBS faculty Fabienne Miller was an advisor to the shortlisted team that is presenting on "Creating Methods for SINGA Lyon to Determine and Demonstrate their impact". The finalist teams will be delivering their IQP presentations during the 2019 Present's IQP Award Finalist Presentations on Friday, January 31 2010 beginning at 1:15 pm. Please register to attend.