Worcester Polytechnic Institute and Tsinghua University to collaborate on scholarly articles for publishing in the JSSR.

Together with its strategic academic partner, Tsinghua University in Beijing China, WPI and the Center for Global Public Safety academic team (including Center for Global Public Safety Co-Directors Professor Jianyu Liang and Professor Milosh Puchovsky) has worked on the launch of a new scholarly journal, the Journal of Safety Science and Resilience ( JSSR). 

The JSSR publishes scientific research on the latest improvements and the practice of safety and security. This is an area that emphasizes studies in both science and technology in the fields of research into natural and man-made disasters, the impact of various hazards on human body, and organization and community. The JSSR is multidisciplinary and serves as an international medium for research in safety and security science. 

The Collaborative efforts between WPI and Tsinghua University will focus on a first issue around the topic of fire safety and is expected to be published in May, 2020.  Internationally renowned expert on wildfires, Professor and Fire Protection Engineering Department Head, Albert Simeoni, Ph.D. is spearheading the effort in his role as Editorial Board Member by gathering articles about the wildland fire threat in different regions of the world.

Prof. Simeoni says: “How can we keep wildland fires from becoming urban conflagrations? This is very important, and we have to better understand fire behavior and impact, which is the core aspect of my research.”

WPI operates the biggest fire lab in academia in the United States. And we have a wind tunnel we built together with the University of Notre Dame and the US Forest Service and tested. We are using it to really understand the influence of wind on fires.

The team also joins forces on the production of a special issue which is scheduled for production in winter, 2020 on  “The Prevention and Control of COVID-19” and supporting community efforts to overcome the physical, emotional, and economic impacts.  The link to The JSSR’s request for manuscripts may be found here:  http://www.keaipublishing.com/en/journals/journal-of-safety-science-and-resilience/call-for-papers/prevention-and-control-of-covid19/

Learn more about this and other important world-wide safety topics at the Center for Global Public Safety’s Industry Symposium taking place on March 24, 2020 or by visiting our website here: https://www.wpi.edu/research/centers/center-for-global-public-safety