
Office of the President

This message was sent to the WPI Community September 13, 2021

Dear WPI Community,

As we shared with the community in January and recently in August, Worcester Polytechnic Institute is undergoing it’s once a decade comprehensive evaluation by the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE), including a campus visit October 4-7, 2021.

As part of the institutional self-study, the NECHE Engagement Committee has been hard at work for the last year and a half crafting a self-study that summarizes all our work, challenges, progress, and growth over the last 10 years along with our visions for the future and goals—all in 100 pages of narrative. That’s no easy feat, particularly in the middle of the pandemic. It was accomplished with no shortage of effort by the committee and many more collaborators across the campus who contributed data, narratives, documents, artifacts, and more. A hearty thank you to everyone who has supported this effort!

During the evaluation visit, a team representing colleges from across New England (and beyond) will visit WPI to gather evidence that the self-study accurately captures our story and aspirations. The team will make recommendations to the Commission regarding WPI’s strengths as well as areas for improvement. 

There will be opportunities for your participation on Tuesday, October 5 and Wednesday, October 6, including open sessions offered for faculty, for staff, and for students. More details about the dates, times, and locations of these open meetings will be shared with you in the coming weeks. In the meantime, the self-study has been posted here for your review.

If you have any feedback on the self-study or questions, please reach out. We look forward to hearing from you.



Art Heinricher and Emily Perlow

NECHE Engagement Committee Chairs