After assessing the level and substance of interest in potential themes, the Educational Development Council (EDC) and representatives of the Academic Technology Center (ATC) are delighted to announce that we will solicit formal applications for two EDC-formed Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) as part of the broader Teaching Innovation Grants program in 2025:

  1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Technology-Enhanced Learning. In this era of rapid technological advancement, AI and technology-enhanced learning are reshaping the landscape of higher education. These innovations present both unprecedented opportunities and complex challenges for teaching and learning. We invite proposals that explore the multifaceted impact of AI and emerging technologies on student learning, with a focus on critical AI literacy, promoting critical thinking, the science of human learning, implementation science, or preparing students to navigate a future workplace infused with AI. 
  2. Inclusive, Adaptive, and Open Learner-Centered Teaching Practices. This theme is purposefully broad in an attempt to facilitate the exploration of learner-centered practices in a variety of contexts and disciplines. Ideas can include, but are not limited to: 
  • Fostering inclusivity and student wellbeing 
  • Adapting to evolving student needs 
  • Enhancing engagement through course-based projects 
  • Implementing effective learner-centered strategies for large-class instruction 
  • Bridging academic experiences with community involvement 
  • Utilizing open-access resources to support teaching and learning 
  • Exploring innovative collaborative teaching approaches     

A PLC is a group of WPI community members from multiple disciplines engaging in collegial inquiry, action, and collective learning around a central theme in the area of pedagogical or educational development. More information about each of the themes and expected commitment are posted on the Teaching Innovation Grants webpagePlease submit your application to participate within a PLC or serve as a facilitator by February 3, 2025Individuals can apply even if they did not submit a statement of interest. Guidelines and the application form are linked on the webpage. 

Please note that Course and Program Projects and Summer Sandbox Grants are available to seed or advance intradepartmental initiatives, within existing programs or departments. These types of proposals are also due on February 3.

Questions can be addressed to any of the following: Mike Buckholt, Jeanine Dudle, Geoff Pfeifer, and Marcus Concepcion (Aerospace Engineering '27) along with Mary Courtemanche (MTLC), Kate Beverage (ATC-TTL), and Caitlin Neer (ATC)