Register Now for Workshop: Bias and Stereotyping on Teams - Session #1: (Digital) Asset Mapping Tools for More Equitable and Effective Teamwork
Morgan Teaching & Learning CenterFacilitators: Geoff Pfeifer and Lisa Stoddard
August 4, 10am-noon on Zoom
Studies show that diverse teams are better at solving problems and innovating. Research also shows that bias and stereotyping on teams can eliminate these benefits and reduce student learning. We have developed several tools and modules to help students and faculty identify, manage, and mitigate these issues. In this session, we focus on asset mapping and team asset charting tools. We have used these tools with thousands of students on project teams, including IQP projects, MQP projects, GPS projects, as well as shorter in-class projects and labs. After piloting these materials in over 40 courses, we have revised the materials to make them more user friendly, accessible, and to meet the needs of different courses (e.g. technical and non) and projects (e.g. long and short). We have also adapted the tools to make them more user friendly for online or hybrid courses and projects. Our research shows these tools can improve equitable and effective teamwork by overcoming stereotypes, building student confidence, and minimizing task assignment bias. Workshop participants will engage with asset mapping tools on teams as their own students would, and in this context via Zoom. They will fill out digital asset maps and discuss their assets (backgrounds, experiences, interests) with their team members in Zoom breakout sessions. Team members will then determine who will take on what parts of a sample project based on each member’s assets and areas they want to develop. Faculty, staff, and students are all welcome. For those who have already participated in an asset mapping workshop with us, you are welcome to come again. For those who are not interested in a repeat, you are welcome to come to session #2 to learn about additional tools we have used and tested, and to gain access to our Canvas site, with all of the tools and associated sample assignments and modules.