

Dear Students,

We are pleased to announce that Workday is now open to all students! Very little is available there right now, but we need your help to make sure you can access the system. Please follow these steps:

  1. Login to the WPI Hub.
  2. If you have not yet added Workday as a favorite app on your homepage, follow these directions to do so. Then open Workday. If you have any issues with logging in, email
  3. Next, open the Academics worklet.
  4. Select View My Registration Appointments to view your registration time. If you have questions about your registration appointment, please email

We know you are eager to get a feel for Workday registration, and you can do that in our training system!  Registration is open for all students in the training system, and we have loaded sample course sections for you to use, including a large variety of sections for full semester, A-term and B-term. Note, although it looks like a valid course schedule, this is for training only and does not necessarily represent what will be published on 4/20/2021.

Follow the steps below to try it out:

  1. Log in to
  2. Select the WPI10-Training Workday tile
  3. Open the Academics worklet to try out registration tasks like find course sections, save to schedule, and register. Note, College Scheduler is not available in the training system, but we are working on making it available in production Workday on 4/20/2021.

Need some help? See documentation on the WPI Hub (scroll down to the student section), including a short video showing the process, or come to a ~30 min training session! Questions? Email

We appreciate your help in making this first registration in Workday a success!


Sarah Miles

Office of the Registrar