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WPI News on the Go

WPI Attains Designation as an R1 Research University
Students Share Global Projects at President’s IQP Award Final Presentations
First-Year Students Explore Artificial Intelligence
New PracticePoint and BETC Director to Keep WPI at Center of Innovation in Healthcare Technology
Leveraging a Lifelong Love of Learning
Where in the News Was WPI in 2024?
Sharing Educational Opportunities To Build a Brighter Future
READY, SET, LEGO: Massachusetts FIRST LEGO League Championship at Worcester Polytechnic Institute
President Grace J. Wang Receives Prestigious National Honor for Inventors
Nurturing Future Physicians
Hundreds of High School Students to Compete in a High Stakes Robotics Competition at WPI
WPI Plays Prominent Role in Robotics Discussion
A Q&A with Stan Horton, WPI’s Director, Equal Opportunity & Outreach and Title IX Coordinator
Breakfast Gathering Helps Veterans Connect at WPI
Tradition and Commitment: WPI Students Help Feed Local Families Since 1994
Department Head and George I. Alden Professor Robert Hyers Is Named a Fellow of TMS
Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way
Lighting the Way to Better Drying Technologies
Quantum Cloud Research, Education to Leap Forward at WPI
WPI Adopts Okanagan Charter, Signaling Ongoing Commitment to Holistic Wellbeing of People, Places, and the Planet
The Tedious Work Paradox: When Digitalization Undermines Creativity