WPI Insider

The WPI Insider helps you catch up on the latest news  and perspectives at WPI from wherever you are. Listen to audio of our news stories or listen to our expert faculty and staff’s appearances on podcasts. With this convenient audio platform, WPI’s innovative, project-based, and STEM-focused work comes to life. 

Listen to discover news, conversations, and stories that show how WPI uses a distinct approach to projects, research, technology, global learning, and community partnerships to empower and improve society through technology. 

Listen to WPI News

Hear the latest WPI happenings while you are on the go! Explore deep dives into groundbreaking research, accomplishments of students, faculty, and staff, and profiles of campus events and our community. Check back regularly for the latest audio news stories, and be sure to follow WPI on social media channels @wpi or @wpi.edu.  


Featured podcast

Crossing Fronteras Podcast Launches

New podcast series from WPI’s Latin American and Caribbean Studies program explores scholarship and art generated by scholars and creatives in Latin American and Caribbean Studies.

Do you have a podcast appearance you want to share with the community? To get your podcast conversation posted here, follow the instructions on how to create an announcement, (be sure to add "WPI Listen" under the "Post to Website" option and have a clear headline with your name, title, and the name of the podcast). The announcement will be added here for an even wider audience.