Management of Equipment Containing PCB's

Issued: December 5, 2001

Revised: July 2004

Generally, material containing 50ppm or greater of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB's) are regulated under the Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA). TSCA gives requirements for manufacture, processing, distribution in commerce, use, disposal, storage and marking of PCB's and PCB items.

Office Location: 37 Lee Street - 105B


  • Non-PCB transformer: Any transformer containing less than 50ppm PCB's.
  • PCB-Contaminated Electrical Equipment: Any electrical equipment, including transformers, that contain 50ppm or greater PCB's, but less than 500ppm PCB's.
  • PCB Transformer: Any transformer that contains 500ppm PCB's or greater.
  • PCB Equipment: Any manufactured article that contains PCB's, including fluorescent light ballasts.

Oil Testing

The EHS office will coordinate the testing of any equipment suspected of containing PCB's. This testing may include on site testing with an appropriate sample test kit or off site laboratory analysis. All results will be maintained in a file in the Plant Services Dept.

Transformer Labeling and Inventory File

All PCB transformers should have already been retrofilled with non-PCB mineral oil, replaced or removed from service. However, retrofilled transformers may still be PCB contaminated (>50ppm but <500ppm). These must be properly labeled and included in an inventory file maintained in the Plant Services Dept.

Transformer Draining and Removal

Draining and removal of PCB contaminated electrical equipment requires special procedures. Please contact EHS (x5216) before commencing work activities involving this equipment. PCB contaminated fluid must be handled as a regulated hazardous waste and is subject to disposal restrictions. All drums must be properly labeled and manifests for the removal of PCB material must be signed by the Director of Plant Services.

Spills and Leaks

All spills and leaks of fluids containing PCB's shall be reported immediately to EHS (x5216) or Campus Police (x5555). In some cases, EHS may have to report the spill to regulatory agencies. Decontamination with appropriate solvent and post clean-up sampling may be required.

Please contact EHS, at 508-831-5216 with any questions.