Women’s Leadership Program

In Fall 2023, WPI launched its inaugural Women’s Leadership Program (WLP), an in-person, seven-session program funded by the Women’s Impact Network (WIN). This is an inclusive program with a focus on women and people who are gender diverse, open to all regardless of gender identity. The program’s customized professional development curriculum is designed to provide:

  • Insights and tools necessary to deepen knowledge, skills, and abilities in evolving leaders;
  • Valuable networking opportunities through course participation and post-program convenings; and,
  • A supportive community to work with and uplift one another.



Eligibility and Schedule

The WLP is open to faculty and staff. It will serve a diverse cohort from across a variety of departments, disciplines, and functions. To be eligible for the program, nominees must hold a supervisory and/or leadership position and aspire to a higher-level leadership position during their careers.

The first program cohort began on October 4th, 2023, and ran through March 13th, 2024. The FY25 schedule has not yet been announced.

Location: Boynton Hall
Phone: 508-831-5470

Our Funding Partner

Women's Impact Network logo with tagline that says leading with purpose

Session: Topic  Date Presenter(s)
Session 1: Introduction: Opening/Welcoming TBD  
Session 2: Change Management TBD Susan Roberts & Jessica Sabourin
Session 3: Building Organizational Learning Cultures TBD Sarah Stanlick
Session 4: Understanding Institutional and Industry Trends TBD Debra Boucher & Paula Fitzpatrick  
Session 5: The Art of Communication  TBD Theona Scola & Karen Oates
Session 6: Inclusive and Equity-Minded Leadership TBD Lauren Turner & Bwann Kellie Gwann
Session 7: Closing Celebration: Action Plans & Next Steps TBD  



Program cohorts are established via a two-phase process of nominations and applications. Employees are invited to nominate themselves or colleagues. Nominations can be submitted using an online form [currently inactive].

A selection committee reviews nominations that have been submitted and notifies nominees on a rolling basis if they are invited to apply to the program.

Please note that space in program cohorts is limited; therefore, employees are encouraged to submit nominations as soon as possible. Nominations are due no later than EOD September 1st.



If invited to apply following their nomination, candidates will receive a link to the application form. After an applicant submits their form, the selection committee will review it and notify them of their status in this year’s program no later than the last week of September.



Questions? Feedback?

For questions or more information about the program, contact Talent & Inclusion (508-831-6783), Learning & Development (Learning@wpi.edu), or any of WLP Planning Committee Members: Christopher Benoit, Terri Camesano, James De León, Paula Fitzpatrick, Bwann Kellie Gwann, Kimberly LeChasseur, Karen Oates, Anne Ogilvie, Ellen Piccioli, Sue Roberts, Jessica Sabourin, Theona Scola, Sarah Stanlick, and Lauren Turner.