I enjoy teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Teaching is very rewarding, and it allows me to interact with the students. My teaching portfolio includes undergraduate and graduate level courses in the areas of heat transfer, fluid mechanics, liquid/vapor phase change, thermodynamics, and design of thermal systems.
I am very active in research. My research has been actively supported by NSF, NASA, AFOSR, SBA, ASHRAE and various companies. My research laboratory is entitled, "Enhancement of Heat Transfer and Phase-Change in Large and Small Scales." My theoretical, numerical, and experimental research activities are in the following areas:
- Enhancement of Heat Transfer and Mass Transport with Electrohydrodynamics in Macro, Micro-, and Nano- Scales (Single-Phase and Two-Phase) in the presence and absence of gravity,
- Heat and Mass Transfer in Porous Media,
- Transport Characteristics of Fluids with Micro-Encapsulated Phase Change Materials,
Augmentation of Heat and Mass Transfer with Innovative Impinging Jets (with and without chemical reaction).
Visit Digital WPI to view student research and projects advised by Professor Yagoobi.

I enjoy teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Teaching is very rewarding, and it allows me to interact with the students. My teaching portfolio includes undergraduate and graduate level courses in the areas of heat transfer, fluid mechanics, liquid/vapor phase change, thermodynamics, and design of thermal systems.
I am very active in research. My research has been actively supported by NSF, NASA, AFOSR, SBA, ASHRAE and various companies. My research laboratory is entitled, "Enhancement of Heat Transfer and Phase-Change in Large and Small Scales." My theoretical, numerical, and experimental research activities are in the following areas:
- Enhancement of Heat Transfer and Mass Transport with Electrohydrodynamics in Macro, Micro-, and Nano- Scales (Single-Phase and Two-Phase) in the presence and absence of gravity,
- Heat and Mass Transfer in Porous Media,
- Transport Characteristics of Fluids with Micro-Encapsulated Phase Change Materials,
Augmentation of Heat and Mass Transfer with Innovative Impinging Jets (with and without chemical reaction).
Visit Digital WPI to view student research and projects advised by Professor Yagoobi.
SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure - Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production - Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

Scholarly Work
Professor Yagoobi publishes theoretical, numerical, and experimental studies in areas including the enhancement of heat transfer and mass transport with electrohydrodynamics, heat and mass transfer in porous media (drying); transport characteristics of fluids with micro-encapsulated phase change materials, and augmentation of heat and mass transfer with novel jet reattachment nozzles.
- Full publication lists at MHT lab website
- Full publication and patent list at CARD website
- List of publications in Scopus
- Patents list at Google Patents