
Transcripts are available from the WPI Registrar's Office. Be sure to order transcripts well in advance of the deadline. If you have taken courses at other universities in the summer or as a transfer student, you will need an original transcript from each institution attended.  Again, ask for any of these well in advance of the deadlines.

Be sure to read and understand the requirements of each opportunity so that you submit a proper application. Many fellowships and scholarships that require institutional nomination will require that your transcript is provided by your fellowships advisor. 

To request a transcript, use the online services of the WPI Registrar's Office. For questions, you may contact the Registrar's Office via telephone: +1-508-831-5211, fax: +1-508-831-5931, or email:

Location: Unity Hall
Phone: 508-831-5381
Fax: 508-831-5846