Writing Center
Located in Salisbury Labs 233, the Writing Center is here to help WPI students improve their written, oral, and visual communication. Our trained writing tutors provide peer tutoring for individuals and teams on any type of communication project, including course papers, presentations, dissertations, and job-related documents. Tutors can help you at any stage of your composing process--when you're still in early stages of brainstorming and finding direction; when you're in the middle stages of drafting ideas and organizing paragraphs; or when you're in the late stages of your writing, polishing your prose for maximum clarity. Sign up for an in-person or online appointment today!
Available Services
All services are free to undergraduate and graduate students.
The Writing Center is directed by Professor Ryan Madan and staffed by 20 peer tutors who have received extensive training in writing and the tutoring of writing.
Individual and Small Group Tutoring
Our trained writing tutors are available to help WPI students with their writing six days a week in one-hour appointments. Any WPI student or group, undergraduate or graduate, may make an appointment to get help with projects, course papers, oral presentations, document design, or personal writing.
Designated Tutoring
WPI course instructors and Interactive Qualifying Project (IQP) and Major Qualifying Project (MQP) teams may request a designated tutor to work with students on a regular basis throughout the term. Instructors and students may request designated tutoring by emailing Professor Madan.
The Writing Center is looking for a few good tutors!
If you enjoy writing and helping your fellow students, consider applying to become a writing tutor. This paid position will allow you to make your own hours, meet a range of interesting students, and continue to learn on the job. Scroll down for more details, and email Professor Madan with any questions.
Interested in Becoming a Tutor?
Undergraduate Students
Each year, the Writing Center recruits freshmen, sophomore, and junior level students from all majors to become paid writing tutors in our Center. In order to be eligible to tutor, you need to sign up for the training course offered in A-Term, Teaching Writing. This course is a great opportunity not only to get training for a rewarding position at the Center, but also to improve your own writing. If you do well in this course, you will be invited to join the next year's experienced tutoring staff in the Writing Center.
Teaching Writing (WR 3011) is a writing/rhetoric course offered every other A-Term by the Humanities & Arts Department and taught by Professor Madan. In this hands-on course, students develop effective strategies for planning, drafting, and revising their own writing and learn to respond to other students' communication projects. They also read about the theory and process of writing, observe experienced tutors in the Center, and undergo an apprenticeship working with students who come in for appointments at the Center.
If you have any questions about becoming a tutor, stop by to talk with our current tutors or email Professor Madan. We hope you will consider joining us!
Graduate Students
Graduate students interested in professional development opportunities for teaching, becoming a Teaching Assistant, or tutoring writing in the technical disciplines should contact Professor Madan about training and employment opportunities.