The following message was sent on May 22, 2024 to all employees and students from Vijay Menta, Chief Information Officer of WPI.


Dear WPI Community, 


Information Technology Services is excited to announce that in the upcoming academic year we will implement HaloITSM, a new ticketing system to service your requests, inquiries, and issues. 

Cherwell, our current ticketing system, is being phased out by the vendor. By proactively replacing the system now, we are not subject to the vendor’s phase-out timeline and declining support, and Cherwell will remain available during our transition. 

 HaloITSM offers many benefits:  
  • Additional modules are included to support various ITS functions, as well as expanded enterprise usage. We are working closely with the Registrar’s Office, Bursar, Marketing Communications, and Academic Affairs, who will also transition from Cherwell to HaloITSM.  
  • We are partnering with Talent & Inclusion to replace their Dovetail ticketing system with HaloITSM, providing a more consistent and seamless experience, efficiency for ticket transfer between departments, and cost savings. 
  • HaloITSM improves end-user interface for employees, students, and third parties. 
  • The transition will employ modernized integrations and communications with existing WPI systems such as Workday and Microsoft Teams, while reducing the amount of manual development required by ITS. 


What does the change mean for you? 
  • You will continue to use the same email addresses and phone numbers for the departments using HaloITSM; contact methods will not change. 
  • You will be able to use a new interface to look up instructions and service information, enter tickets, and view your current tickets. 
  • Email and instructions you receive from HaloITSM will have a fresh appearance. 
  • Any tickets that need to be passed between Talent & Inclusion and any other department will be transferred automatically; there is no need to create a new ticket in a separate system. 

We are working hard behind the scenes right now. As the transition from Cherwell and Dovetail progresses and a go-live date is determined, we will share updates, details, and frequently asked questions on the WPI Hub. We look forward to improving the service we provide to you with HaloITSM! 



Vijay Menta (he/him/his) 

Vice President and Chief Information Officer

Information Technology Services

Worcester Polytechnic Institute