
The Business School

The Business School at WPI now has 8 labs that are doing world-changing research, they are as follows:

Analytical Research Collaborative for a Humane and Equitable Society (ARCHES) w/ Professor Andrew C. Trapp, PhD: developing forward-looking technology at the interface of advanced analytics, decision making, and humanity. ARCHES research has designed multiple award-winning systems. 

Business Development Lab w/ Professor Rosanna Garcia, PhD: supports early start-up companies, providing office space and entrepreneurial advice. That advice is provided by Entrepreneurship faculty and several Entrepreneurs-in-residence at WPI.

Business Resilience and Climate Change Lab w/ Professor Michael Elmes: recognizes that successful actions in addressing climate change are only possible if businesses play a big role in those actions in an efficient, expeditious and just way. This lab facilitates research activities.

Digital Health Lab w/ Professor Bengisu Tulu: focuses on creating new knowledge at the intersection of healthcare and technology. Promoting healthy living through apps that support healthy behaviors. Supporting the on-going research activities of a group of faculty and students who have focused for over a decade on research into how technology can better support health and wellness.

FABLab w/ Professor Joseph Sarkis: working collaboratively with local communities, building educational materials, outreach to startups, building Commonwealth relationships, refinement on social issues, develop and identify educational materials for Blockchain use applications, and linking research findings to new projects. Frequent collaborators: Professors Dr. Kwamie Dunbar, Ph.D., Rob Sarnie and Daniel N. Treku, PhD.

FinTech Lab w/ Professor Dr. Kwamie Dunbar, Ph.D.: is a joint endeavor of the WPI Business School and FLAME University in Pune, India. The lab (1) creates new knowledge at the intersection of technology and financial services, (2) serves as a hub for execution of FinTech learner projects, and (3) contributes to the FinTech ecosystem. Frequent collaborators Professors Rob Sarnie, Daniel N. Treku, PhD & Xin (Shane) Gao

User Experience & Decision Making (UXDM) Lab w/ Professor Soussan Djamasbi: studies underlying cognitive processes (decision making and information processing) and user experience with digital products. Lab equipment features eye-tracking machines. 

Social Media Analytics Lab w/ Professor Adrienne Hall-Phillips: investigates marketing, consumer behavior, online behavior, and technology issues that can be studied by analyzing available social media data. 

So many ways to get involved with each lab. Reach out to us for more details!