Administrative Policy Group

Location: Boynton Hall
Office Location: 3rd Floor
Phone: 508-831-5305

Welcome to the Administrative Policy Group (APG) site. 

It is important for institutions of higher education, including WPI, to have an organized and efficient way to develop and approve institutional administrative policies (i.e., non-academic policies). WPI has adopted an APG Process. This process functions through an APG comprised of a cross-functional group of administrators and faculty.  

Administrative Policy Group Members ​

  • Michael Horan (Co-Chair of APG, Executive Vice President and CFO)
  • Andrew Sears (Co-Chair of APG, Provost and Senior Vice President)
  • Lauren Turner (Senior Vice President of Talent & Inclusion and Chief Diversity Officer)
  • David Bunis (Secretary of APG, Senior Vice President & General Counsel)
  • Philip Clay (Senior Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management)
  • Donna Stock (Vice President of University Advancement)
  • Eric Beattie (Vice President Campus Planning Facilities)
  • Eileen Brangan-Mell (Interim Vice President of Marketing & Communications)
  • Sara Saberi (Associate Professor, Business School, Chair, Committee on Information Technology Policy (CITP)
  • Vijay Menta (Vice President of IT and Chief Information Officer)
  • Harold Walker (Schwaber Professor of Environmental Engineering Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Chair, Committee on Financial & Administrative Policy (FAP))
  • Amy Curran – Staff Council Rep - Director, Accessibility Services

Commenting on Administrative Policies

A critical part of the administrative policy-making process involves posting policy proposals for a 30-day comment period following their initial presentation to the APG. This allows all members of the WPI community – including students, staff, and faculty – to provide their valuable input, feedback, and comments. All members of the WPI community are important participants in the institutional administrative policy-making process and we welcome your comments.

Policy proposals that are available for comment per WPI’s APG Process will be posted on an APG Public Comments page located HERE. Each pending policy proposal will be contained in a separate tab. If you would like to comment on a particular policy proposal, please follow the instructions on that tab to post your comment. Please note that all comments will be publicly available for viewing by the WPI community and will include your name and the time you submitted the comment.

All comments will be considered by the APG, but not all comments will result in a change to the policy proposal.

Please note the deadline for submission of comments for each policy proposal. When the deadline has passed, the policy proposal will be removed from the commenting site.

The APG looks forward to receiving your valuable feedback.