How to Register
ROTC is not for everyone, but that's kind of the point. Army ROTC is one of the best leadership courses in the country. The instruction you receive in Army ROTC will center around the Army's Leadership Development Program which focuses on knowledge, skills, and abilities gained through education, training, and experience. You will be provided the tools that will help you succeed in any competitive environment.
WPI is the host institution of the Bay State Battalion Army ROTC Program and includes a well-diversified student body with over 90 Cadets from WPI and the Worcester area colleges, Fitchburg State University, and UMASS Lowell. Training and classes are held at WPI, Fitchburg State University, and UMASS Lowell.
Click on the school tab listed below that pertains to you. There you will find instructions on what classes to register for and how to do so. Then, reach out to our Enrollment Officer, Mr. Darryl Gill at or 508-831-5268. He will get you started in the program and answer any questions that you have.
How to register for Army ROTC as a WPI Student:
You will be required to register for classes using WPI's online course registration process. Please view the Registrar’s instructions and review the Add/Drop Policies.
You will register for one Military Science class each term prior to the term’s add/drop deadline. ROTC classes are not charged an overload fee.
Listed below are the courses to register for:
Freshman (MS 1):
- A term: ML 1011 A01 Foundations of Officership I
- B term: ML 1012 B01 Foundations of Officership II.
- C term: ML 1021 C01 Basic Leadership I
- D term: ML 1022 D01 Basic Leadership II
Sophomore (MS 2):
- A term: ML 2011 A01 Individual Leadership Studies I
- B term: ML 2012 B01 Individual Leadership Studies II
- C term: ML 2021 C01 Leadership and Teamwork I
- D term: ML 2022 D01 Leadership and Teamwork II
Junior (MS 3):
- A term: ML 3011 A01 Leadership and Problem Solving I
- B term: ML 3012 B01 Leadership and Problem Solving II
- C term: ML 3021 C01 Leadership and Ethics I
- D term: ML 3022 D01 Leadership and Ethics II
Senior (MS 4):
- A term: ML 4011 A01 Leadership and Management I
- B term: ML 4022 B01 Leadership and Management II
- C term: ML 4023 C01 Officership
- D term: ML 4024 D01 Transition to Lieutenant
Worcester HECCMA Colleges
We accept students from area colleges that are members of the Higher Education Consortium of Central Massachusetts (HECCMA) program and have a university participation agreement with U.S. Army Cadet Command. Full-time day students who cross-register for Army ROTC courses will not incur additional tuition or fees. We can accept students from the following institutions:
- Anna Maria College
- Assumption University
- Clark University
- College of the Holy Cross
- Quinsigamond Community College *Students must be willing to continue their education at one of the participating four-year institutions in order to receive a commission into the U.S. Army.
- Worcester State University
How to register for Army ROTC as a HECCMA participant:
Complete the Cross Registration form online. Since WPI has two 7-week terms in a semester, Army ROTC students will need to register for two Army ROTC classes per semester.
Submit the completed Cross Registration form to your institution’s Registrar’s Office for signature, granting you permission to register.
Lastly, submit the signed Cross Registration form to the WPI Registrar's Office by the term’s add/drop deadline. They will register you for the courses and send a copy of your HECCMA registration to your home institution. Please check the WPI Registrar’s website for office hours and submission procedures.
Listed below are the courses to register for:
Freshman (MS 1):
Fall semester: register for both classes
- ML 1011 A01 Foundations of Officership I
- ML 1012 B01 Foundations of Officership II
Spring semester: register for both classes
- ML 1021 C01 Basic Leadership I
- ML 1022 D01 Basic Leadership II
Sophomore (MS 2):
Fall semester: register for both classes
- ML 2011 A01 Individual Leadership Studies I
- ML 2012 B01 Individual Leadership Studies II
Spring semester: register for both classes
- ML 2021 C01 Leadership and Teamwork I
- ML 2022 D01 Leadership and Teamwork II
Junior (MS 3):
Fall semester: register for both classes
- ML 3011 A01 Leadership and Problem Solving I
- ML 3012 B01 Leadership and Problem Solving II
Spring semester: register for both classes
- ML 3021 C01 Leadership and Ethics I
- ML 3022 D01 Leadership and Ethics II
Senior (MS 4):
Fall semester: register for both classes
- ML 4011 A01 Leadership and Management I
- ML 4022 B01 Leadership and Management II
Spring semester: register for both classes
- ML 4023 C01 Officership
- ML 4024 D01 Transition to Lieutenant
Fitchburg State University
How to register for Army ROTC as a Fitchburg State University student:
Once you are accepted as a Fitchburg State student, you will be granted access to Web4 (Self-Service Banner) online portal.
View the instruction page on how to register for classes and obtain a permission number if necessary.
Then you will register for the appropriate ROTC class prior to the semester’s add/drop deadline.
Listed below are the courses to register for:
Freshman (MS 1):
Fall semester: MILS 1100 Foundations of Officership
Spring semester: MILS 1200 Basic Leadership
Sophomore (MS 2):
Fall semester: MILS 2100 Individual Leadership Studies
Spring semester: MILS 2250 Leadership and Teamwork
Junior (MS 3):
Fall semester: MILS 3150 Leadership and Problem Solving
Spring semester: MILS 3200 Leadership and Ethics
Senior (MS 4):
Fall semester: MILS 4100 Leadership and Management
Spring semester: MILS 4250 Leadership and Officership
UMASS Lowell
How to register for Army ROTC as a UMASS Lowell student:
Once you are accepted as a UMASS Lowell student, you will be granted access to SIS (Student Information System) online portal.
With this access you can view the instructional videos on how to register for classes and obtain a permission number if necessary.
Then you will register for the appropriate ROTC class prior to the semester’s add/drop deadline.
Listed below are the courses to register for:
Freshman (MS 1):
Fall semester: ROTC.1400 Leadership and Personal Development
Spring semester: ROTC.1700 Introduction to Tactical Leadership
Sophomore (MS 2):
Fall semester: ROTC.2300 Foundations of Leadership
Spring semester: ROTC.2400 Foundations of Tactical Leadership
Junior (MS 3):
Fall semester: ROTC.3300 Adaptive Team Leadership
Spring semester: ROTC.3400 Applied Team Leadership
Senior (MS 4):
Fall semester: ROTC.4400 Adaptive Leadership
Spring semester: ROTC.4500 Leadership in a Complex World