Staff Directory

The Gordon Library staff is proud to support the information and research needs of the WPI community. Please see our list of important service contacts, or consult our staff directory below for department descriptions and staff contact information. Not sure who to contact? Email us at or use our online chat service.

Interested in working with us? We welcome your inquiries. Open positions for library staff are announced through WPI's Career Services website. Student employees are integral to our mission, and provide essential and exemplary service to fellow students and faculty. For information on student job opportunities at the library, please contact our student staff supervisor or visit WPI's Student Jobs website.



The administration coordinates the work of other library departments, and oversees all library activities to ensure that projects and goals meet the broader mission of the institution and meet or exceed academic library standards. We welcome your suggestions and comments on the library.

Anna Gold
University Librarian, George C. Gordon Library

Phone: +1 (508) 8316161

Anna Gold joined the WPI community as University Librarian in 2017. She brought with her a passion for and dedication to polytechnic learning and interdisciplinary research.At WPI she has led projects to renew Gordon Library spaces to better serve as vibrant, productive working and learning spaces where students feel empowered and supported. She has also led the library's Digital WPI initiative that showcases WPI student projects and research as well as the cultural and historical treasures of the WPI Archives.Anna began her career as a research librarian at the Library of Congress. In 1994, ...

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Elizabeth Dufresne
Strategic Collaborations & Web Communications Librarian, George C. Gordon Library

Phone: +1 (508) 8316523

Liz is a Special Projects Librarian working on initiatives in Sustainability Data and Scholarly Communication. In support of a special one-year collaborative project, Liz is conducting a self-study of WPI's contributions to and impact on UN SDGs. Liz also supports a pilot program to provide simple but effective library support to faculty in updating and adding information to their WPI faculty profiles. Check out our Sustainability eBook Collection: Mapped to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), this collection enables students and researchers to ...

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Access Services & Outreach

Access Services & Outreach oversees the following services: borrowing, course reserves, interlibrary loan, document delivery, and resource sharing with other libraries. We also are responsible for seeing that all items are returned to the shelves, oversee Tech Suite Reservations, and monitor the building for safety. Our focus is on customer service and we welcome all feedback and suggestions. Email us at

Brenda Cummings
Brenda Cummings  (She/Her)
Head, Library Access Services & Outreach, George C. Gordon Library

Phone: +1 (508) 8315101

Brenda is the Head of Access Services & Outreach, where she brings an excitement for library services and a passion for working with students. Leading a dynamic team, she oversees a variety of services that support the WPI community including, borrowing, course reserves, information and general reference services, resource sharing, student employment, collection maintenance, and outreach activities. Brenda joined WPI in 2022.

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Jill Westover
Resource Sharing Librarian, George C. Gordon Library

Phone: +1 (508) 8316499

Jill is part of the Access Services and Outreach team. She is responsible for overseeing all operations of interlibrary loan and document delivery services. She also provides assistance to patrons and supervises student assistants at the Information Desk.

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Scholarly Communication and Open Strategies

The Library's newest department, Scholarly Communication and Open Strategies, is responsible for delivering high quality information resources and discovery services and innovative uses of technology and assessment strategies that advance WPI research, teaching, community engagement, and other library programs and initiatives. This includes developing and leading collaborative programs and services that advance the goals of open access in scholarly communication and educational resources, including digital publishing platforms, digital repositories for sharing student and faculty research and OER resources, and adoption of standards such as ORCiD and DOI that support scholarly communication.

Lori Ostapowicz-Critz
Associate Director, Scholarly Communication & Open Strategies, George C. Gordon Library

Phone: +1 (508) 8316252

As Associate Director for Scholarly Communication and Open Strategies, Lori provides leadership and management for the library’s Scholarly Communication and Open Strategies programs and services.  This includes responsibility for delivering high quality information resources and discovery services and innovative uses of technology and assessment strategies that advance WPI research, teaching, community engagement, and other library programs and initiatives.

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Philip Waterman
Collection Development & Acquisitions Librarian, George C. Gordon Library

Phone: +1 (508) 8316724

As Librarian for Global Programs & Undergraduate Learning Coordinator, Phil serves as the library liaison to Global Programs to support their project-based learning curriculum, leads the setting of goals and priorities for the library's undergraduate instruction program, and coordinates the assessment of the instruction program. Phil provides research assistance to students, faculty, and staff through individual and group consultations, in-class instruction, and online tutorials.

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Research & Instruction

In collaboration with other library departments and university faculty, the Research & Instruction Department develops, delivers, and assesses learner-centered, sustainable and effective instruction and research consultation services that support WPI’s unique curriculum and interdisciplinary projects and research. Instruction and course- and project-related research services are integral to our students’ ability to accomplish their goals and develop foundational life skills, including critical information literacies. 

Paige Wilkins
Head, Library Research & Instruction Services, George C. Gordon Library

Phone: +1 (508) 8314958

 Paige provides leadership, mentoring, collaborative vision and strategic direction for the library’s core student and faculty instruction and research and project support services. She/her/hers.

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Mackenzie Harrington
Research & Instruction Librarian, George C. Gordon Library

Phone: +1 (508) 8314962

Mackenzie is part of the Research & Instruction team. She provides research assistance and instructional support to library users, both fostering information literacy and empowering others to efficiently navigate information resources. She/her/hers. 

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Kate Boylan
Research & Instruction Librarian, George C. Gordon Library

Phone: +1 (508) 8316591

Kate is a new member of the Research & Instruction team. She provides research assistance and instructional support to all library users,and is interested in the impact of emerging media and tech on schools of education, sustainable information architecture, and organization. Kate is passionate about accessibility and preservation, information and digital fluencies and creativity, and critical inquiry of all of the above, not just relative to her work, but in all aspects of life. Kate has a background in digital asset management and archives and digital humanities work. She/her/hers. 

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Archives and Special Collections

Archives and Special Collections actively collects, preserves, and makes available university records, historical and cultural collections, artwork, and objects of enduring value. The Archives provides services to the WPI community, scholarly researchers, and the broader public.

Gillian McCuistion
Access & Outreach Archivist, George C. Gordon Library

As the Access and Outreach Archivist, Gillian processes new and existing resources into Gordon Library’s university archives and manuscript collections. She also coordinates many of the public-facing aspects for the department. She facilitates participatory archiving with student groups, supports patron research needs, oversees the Fellman Dickens Reading Room, and manages communications via social media and other channels. Gillian is driven by the principles of reparative description and inclusive collecting practices, both to promote collection discoverability and access and ...

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Emily O'Brien
Digital Repository & Metadata Librarian, George C. Gordon Library

Phone: +1 (508) 8315230

As the Digital Repository and Metadata Librarian, Emily manages the ingest of digitized and born-digital archives and special collections material into the library's repositories, databases, and other discovery systems. She helps develop and execute metadata policies, and creates and maintains quality metadata to support ingest, preservation, and discovery. she/her/hers.

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