What is a better way of learning, soaking knowledge up like a sponge or like a sieve? A sponge may be saturated quickly, while an appropriate sieve retains the valuable and discards the superfluous. The essence of teaching is to enable the student to recognize the jewels in a subject, unearth them, and create a valuable collection.
What is a better way of learning, soaking knowledge up like a sponge or like a sieve? A sponge may be saturated quickly, while an appropriate sieve retains the valuable and discards the superfluous. The essence of teaching is to enable the student to recognize the jewels in a subject, unearth them, and create a valuable collection.
Scholarly Work
On the two-dimensional generic rigidity matroid and its dual 1991
Construction of self-dual graphs. 1992
Abstract and generic rigidity in the plane 1994
Connectivity and planarity of Cayley graphs. 1998
Configurations from a graphical viewpoint 2013
The kinematics of a framework presented by H. Harborth and M. Miller 2013