SDG 4: Quality Education - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

I am interested in computer networking and security. Given the significance of the Internet in our economy and society, I am interested in improvements and studies that can have a real-world impact. My recent work has focused on how to make both enterprise and residential networks more secure. In my research work, I am exploring ways to change the traditional computer network communication model using techniques such as software-defined networking and network function virtualization.
I am interested in exploring future directions in computing from a systems, networking, and security standpoint. For example, how will the Internet of Things or the Bring Your Own Device phenomena affect future networks? What will this mean for network provisioning and security? I am interested in working on projects, theses, and dissertations in these directions.
I love teaching computer science and security at WPI. Our students are enthusiastic about mastering the technical details of systems, networks, and software, making it a thrill to work with them. I have previously worked with students in extra-curricular settings, including as an advisor for the WPI Cyber Security Club and as the coach for the WPI Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition Team. I now serve as the Head of the WPI Department of Computer Science. I direct WPI's NSF Scholarship for Service program and WPI's Department of Defense Cyber Scholarship Program (CySP).
Visit Digital WPI to view student projects and research advised by Prof. Shue.
Visit Prof. Shue's personal website for more information about his courses and teaching.
I am interested in computer networking and security. Given the significance of the Internet in our economy and society, I am interested in improvements and studies that can have a real-world impact. My recent work has focused on how to make both enterprise and residential networks more secure. In my research work, I am exploring ways to change the traditional computer network communication model using techniques such as software-defined networking and network function virtualization.
I am interested in exploring future directions in computing from a systems, networking, and security standpoint. For example, how will the Internet of Things or the Bring Your Own Device phenomena affect future networks? What will this mean for network provisioning and security? I am interested in working on projects, theses, and dissertations in these directions.
I love teaching computer science and security at WPI. Our students are enthusiastic about mastering the technical details of systems, networks, and software, making it a thrill to work with them. I have previously worked with students in extra-curricular settings, including as an advisor for the WPI Cyber Security Club and as the coach for the WPI Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition Team. I now serve as the Head of the WPI Department of Computer Science. I direct WPI's NSF Scholarship for Service program and WPI's Department of Defense Cyber Scholarship Program (CySP).
Visit Digital WPI to view student projects and research advised by Prof. Shue.
Visit Prof. Shue's personal website for more information about his courses and teaching.
SDG 4: Quality Education - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
SDG 5: Gender Equality - Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth - Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
SDG 13: Climate Action - Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts