

The WPI website is maintained by an open-source content management system known as Drupal. Each office, division, or department should have at least two designated editors (one group administrator and at least one designated editor) who can publish information to WPI.edu.

Drupal designated editors can find help here, including easy-to-follow instructions for posting an announcement, adding a calendar event, creating university calendar events, customizing your website with widgets, and editing your own profile. They’ll also find information about best practices and guidelines for the WPI website or content and how to ensure that information gets to the right audience and is accessible.  

Do you have information you think the world should know but you’re not a designated editor? Find out who your group administrator is. Group administrators serve as Drupal editors for each office/department/division, and they are able to assign Drupal permissions within their own group.   

Other requests may require you to submit a helpdesk ticket such as:

  • New Pages 
  • Menu Updates

Requesting Website Access

Contact your group administrator to request access for:

Drupal Training Videos

We will no longer be holding Zoom training classes for Drupal.  Instead we encourage you to watch our short (1-3 min) Drupal training videos, which we hope will get you up and running in Drupal faster.  Asynchronous training gives you more flexibility to learn Drupal on your own time and you can pick and choose which features you want to learn about.  

Do you have news to share?

If you are trying to find the right approach to sharing university news using Drupal, these tips can help.