Off-Campus Projects
All off-campus opportunities are supported by the Global Experience Office through the Global Projects Program. Resources for off-campus opportunities can be found below.
Through eProjects you can access off-campus project opportunities, review program costs, start an application for a project, and more. This is also a valuable resource during the pre-departure preparation period.
- Humanities and Arts: HUA students immerse themselves in the art, culture, and writings of a particular city/country.
- Interactive Qualifying Project: IQP students work with local organizations to tackle real-life problems and challenges where science and technology meet social issues and human needs.
- Major Qualifying Project: MQP students pursue technical projects in their major course of study, frequently in partnership with industry leaders and other universities.
- Exchange Programs: WPI has established exchange agreements with several international universities which allow students from WPI to attend these universities study programs.
- Other WPI-Sponsored Off-Campus Travel: Residential off-campus faculty-led programs or student organizations and athletic teams who are traveling internationally and require the support of the GEO.

Project Immersion
For most students, the IQP is more than a year in the making. Beginning with the Global Fair at the start of your sophomore year and continuing with project center-specific orientations and required courses leading up to your departure, it's all part of WPI's commitment to preparing you for the adventure ahead. Follow the story of 24 of your peers on their IQP journey in Tirana, Albania.
Want to go off campus? From eProjects you can view off-campus project opportunities and apply for off-campus programs.
Find Available Projects
Looking for an on-campus project? View available projects proposals and faculty advisors by searching the following databases: